Park makeover gets underway

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Work has started this week to revamp the children's play area in Alderley Edge Park where the existing equipment is very tired and has long been in need of replacing.

Cheshire East Council are spending £48,000 from the S106 contributions, on improvements - the majority of which will go towards upgrading the infant play area.

Additionally, at the request of Alderley Edge Youth Council a new piece of equipment called 'Cheddar Gorge' will be installed - challenging youngsters to swing hand to hand across a steel curved arch.

The monkey bars, which are currently in the infant play area, will also be relocated outside the fenced area, as the youth councillors felt this equipment was more suited for older children, and a cycle rack is being installed.

The scheme also includes the installation of two table tennis tables under the former bandstand in the park.

Councillor Rachael Grantham said "This is a great achievement for the Youth Council, they were involved during each step of the planned upgrade. The tennis tables, climbing frame and bike rack were not part of the original plans but were added following suggestions made by the youth councillors.

"To see this all installed thanks to having their voices heard at Cheshire East is something they can be very proud of. Thank you to all involved in making this happen. We are now working towards continued improvements to the park, if anyone has any suggestions or questions for myself or the Youth Council please email me."

Councillor Craig Browne commented "Personally, I'm delighted to have been able to support the Parish Youth Council by unlocking some of the Section 106 funds that had been held in reserve for investment in the children's play area and other parts of the village."

The Youth Council will be officially opening the new play area, provisionally on Saturday 26th November at 3pm.

Alderley Edge Park


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Duncan Herald
Tuesday 15th November 2016 at 3:02 pm
If it is even half as good as the drawing shows, its a good thing.
Congrats to all concerned !
Donald Strathdee
Tuesday 15th November 2016 at 4:35 pm
Good news, a great shame though that Alderley residents who live out of town are unable to use the park as all the parking spaces are blocked all day. I repeat my previous comment, some spaces should be allocated to short term users.
Fiona Doorbar
Wednesday 16th November 2016 at 7:36 am
My sons attended one of the consultation meetings and would like to know if there are plans for any skateboarding ramps , rails etc?
Craig Browne
Wednesday 16th November 2016 at 8:39 am
Hi Fiona,

Yes, we plan to make continued improvements to the park, including more equipment for older children.

Our next project will be to fundraise for a skateboard ramp, which we understand will cost about £25,000.

Kind regards,
Rachael Grantham
Wednesday 16th November 2016 at 9:09 am
Hi Fiona, thank you for your comment, the Youth Council meets every 6 - 8 weeks. Having spent since May working closely with Cheshire East on the upgrade of the infants play area we are in the process of sourcing funding and beginning a consultation process with the schools and groups in the village to see what they would like to see happen next for the older children. If your son is keen to be involved please email me and he is more than welcome to come along to our January meeting.

Best wishes,

Fiona Doorbar
Thursday 17th November 2016 at 3:21 pm
there is currently nothing to do in the park if you have children over the age of about 8 so would it not have made more sense to spend some of the 48K on providing at least something for the older ones and spending the remainder on updating the existing toddler area?
Any additional funds that were then raised could be spent then on further improvements for both the older and younger age groups.....
Too late was the cry and we still have nothing for our teens to do in the village...(except the monthly Methodist youth group)
A few more months of running around to Carrs...Bollington....Macc etc etc for me!!
Craig Browne
Thursday 17th November 2016 at 5:00 pm
Hi Fiona,

We have tried to go about this in the right way. We have asked the young people what they would like to have in the park and we are working with them to deliver it, firstly with the play area, then the table tennis tables and when funds permit, a skateboard ramp.

The Section 106 agreement specifically mentions the toddlers' play area, so the funds have to be spent there rather than in other areas of the park. As it is a legal agreement, we don't really have to option to spend the funds in other ways.

When I was a teenager, I used the park to play football, cricket, tennis and even borrowed my grandpa's bowls to play on the bowling green. If there had been table tennis available then, I'd have done that as well. I certainly never felt that there was nothing for me to do.

Kind regards,
Fiona Doorbar
Friday 18th November 2016 at 6:15 am need to move with the times I am afraid..... the table tennis tables will rarely be used but will be a welcome covered seating area for the age group I am speaking out for!
Duncan Herald
Friday 18th November 2016 at 5:39 pm
Young children and children a little older are to be catered for. That's fine of course.

May I enter a plea for the over 60's?
If you walk along promenades and/or parks in many West European countries, there are rows of brilliantly coloured pieces of exercise equipment; mostly used by 'oldies'. I've no idea as to cost but as there are no aged-specific things in our park, why not get it costed and see whether it is a possibility?

Might some of A.E's 'oldies' comment on this please?

Just asking.
Alan Brough
Friday 18th November 2016 at 9:49 pm
You make an excellent point Duncan and whilst I'm still in the first flush of youth and therefore unable to comment directly, a (er) friend has suggested that in a Barcelona Park, many senior senors and senioras are to be seen enjoying a raucous game of Petanca.

I (on behalf of my, er friend) commend the idea to The House.
Fiona Doorbar
Thursday 1st December 2016 at 8:27 am
Looks like the 'oldies' will have to go with the teens to the Carrs as they have the green light for an outside gym area and a snip at £21,000 compared to the 48K update for alderleys toddler area!