Alderley Edge Community Primary School awarded Primary Science Quality Mark

PSQM Gilt award photo

Alderley Edge Community Primary School has been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark(Guilt Award) for its excellence in science leadership, teaching and learning.

Mrs Lindsey Walsh, Head Teacher, said: 'The award is testament to the commitment of our teachers and children to ensuring the highest quality teaching and learning in this important subject. Primary science develops children's understanding of the world, nurtures their curiosity and teaches essential skills such as problem solving.

"By providing a high quality science education at Alderley Edge Community Primary School we are exciting the imagination, inspiring children and developing valuable skills for life and work. I am very proud of our school' s achievement led by Miss Burnett and the team.'

The Primary Science Quality Mark, led by the University of Hertfordshire, is a evidence based professional development programme which seeks to improve science teaching and learning throughout the school.

Helen Sizer, PSQM Co-Director said: 'By enabling effective science leadership, PSQM is powering the potential of all children to see the relevance and importance of science in their lives, now and in the future. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science leadership, teaching and learning and the profile and quality of science in each accredited school is very high.

"Science subject leaders, their colleagues, headteachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud."
