Plans to convert retail units into apartments


Plans have been submitted to convert retail units and office space in the village centre into apartments.

NLA Properties Ltd are seeking planning permission for the change of use of existing retail and office units at 2 and 3 Cobblers Yard and 28B London Road (located to the rear of No 28 London Road) to create two apartments.

Access to the properties is via an alleyway between 26 and 28 London Road, which leads to an enclosed courtyard.

Unit 2 was occupied by a florist and Unit 3 is a hairdressers. Office accommodation extends over both units and is associated with office accommodation located within No.28 at first floor.

The proposed apartments would both be two-bedroom dwellings, with a lounge, open plan kitchen and bathroom. The existing pedestrian access from London Road would remain unchanged as a result of the proposed development.

The proposed development includes internal changes to the property only; the building will not be altered externally.

The applicant has recently secured planning permission to convert the adjoining properties at 28A and 28C on the first floor, from office accommodation to residential (Planning application 23/4701M).

The plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council planning portal by searching for planning reference 24/1338M.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Heidi Stanier-Hall
Wednesday 17th April 2024 at 6:41 pm
I would like to confirm to our clients that the Cutting Edge business is not affected by this planning application as we have a long term lease in place.

We have been trading in Cobblers Yard for 33 years and under the terms of the lease, we will continue to do so.

We would like to reassure and thank our clients for their continued support of our business.