Local mumpreneurs showcase their work


Over recent years there has been an increasing trend of women with children setting up their own businesses. Many stay at home mums find themselves wondering how to make a bit of extra money, or want something to keep their brains ticking over but struggle to find a job that fits in with raising their children. Other mums who return to work find it difficult to get the balance right, they want more time to spend with their children and a lifestyle which they have more control over.

As a result mums who run their own businesses, often referred to as mumpreneurs, now contribute £4.4bn to the UK economy, with an average turnover of more than £26,000. Speaking with local mums it became clear that there is definitely a trend of mums in the village setting up their own businesses.

I recently chatted with Jane Whittingham and Jane Ullyatt who between them have four children under the age of five. They first met each other in January 2008 and soon realised that they both had a creative streak and wanted to start making their own jewellery, but didn't have the know-how, confidence or time. Despite the obstacles they didn't give up, instead they urged each other on and eventually found their own styles and began to create.

Jane Whittingham told us that "The major problem was working while being stay-at-home mums. Small beads and kids don't make a good mix. Then came the really difficult bit - selling our creations. Neither of us have the time to trek around shops to sell our wares and we soon realised that there were lots of other mums in a very similar situation so we decided to arrange an evening where mummies can showcase their work and get their names known among the local community to hopefully build up some customers. There is a wealth of local talent that just can't get seen".

As a result they have booked St Anne's Church Hall on Nursery Lane in Wilmslow on Thursday 8th October and will be hosting a "Mummies Who Make" craft fair. Jane said "The response has been great, with nine local mums having taken stalls, we have had to turn people away as there is very limited space - next time we will need a bigger venue".


Stalls at the event will include: jewellery, wooden signs with cheeky phrases, personalised artwork for childrens' bedrooms, fine art, kids accessories, home accessories and handmade cards. Admission is by ticket only and tickets are selling fast so if you are interested call 07917 445435 or visit our events calender for more information. If you are a mumpreneur and would like to get in touch with other local mums in business then visit the hobbies and interests section of our forum to post a thread.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Jane Whittingham
Thursday 24th September 2009 at 8:55 am
Just a quick update - tickets for our event on Thurs 8th Oct are selling well so if you would like to join us for some pre-Christmas shopping with a gorgeous selection of handmade products, and of course a glass of wine, please get in touch.
Jane Ulyatt
Monday 12th October 2009 at 12:56 pm
Our first 'made by mummy' craft evening was a huge success. Our stall holders displayed the most amazing handmade items, ranging from canvas paintings, jewellery, chocolate, wooden signs, home decorations, clothes and a book - The Hairy Plug Monster!

Made by Mummy

We had a brilliant attendance, selling a total of 55 tickets. Everyone had a great evening, shopping for Christmas presents, having a glass of wine on us and meeting new people.

Our ‘Thanks’ goes to all the stall holders and the support from all the ticket purchasers, without you this evening would not have happened.

Many thanks to you all.
Rebecca Crabtree
Monday 12th October 2009 at 8:45 pm
I had a great time and met lots of lovely new people - thanks Janes for organising and looking forward to the next one. Becci xx