Parish Council minutes: February 2012


On Monday 13th February, I attended the Alderley Edge Parish Council's monthly meeting.

Since then I have reported on some of the issues raised at the meeting, including the councillors discussions regarding purchasing a speed indicator device and public speaking at their meetings.

Other issues discussed include the Nurse Hatton memorial bench which is to be repaired and the Jubilee celebrations. The intention was to close London Road from Heyes Lane to the junction with Macclesfield Road on Sunday 3rd June for the village street party but Cllr Melanie Connor reported that, as a result of health and safety, the road will have to be closed from the Harden Park Roundabout through to Nether Alderley at the end of the bypass.

The transfer of the three allotment sites was briefly touched upon with Cllr Keegan confirming they have approached Pannone to represent the Parish Council in the transfer of the allotments which will take place by the end of March.

The minutes of this month's Parish Council meeting are now available, click here to read about all the local issues covered.

The Alderley Edge Parish Council meet once a month, with the exception of August. All meetings are open to the public and are held in the Council Chamber at the Festival Hall. Dates and further details for the forthcoming meetings can be found in our events section.

Parish Council, Parish Council Minutes


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Vin Sumner
Thursday 23rd February 2012 at 4:33 pm
so if we all pay for Pannone to represent the PC , who represents the allotment holders ? just wondered ....
Mike Norbury
Thursday 23rd February 2012 at 6:15 pm
Vin... no one.

It does make you wonder why one councillor is so hell-bent on this transfer and what the motive is behind his eagerness to rid us of Heyes Lane allotments.

I also feel we deserve some explanation of Cllr Keegan's involvement with Emerson/Jones as to how much, how often and how recently the 'disclosable' gift(s) took place.
Susan Holland
Friday 24th February 2012 at 10:36 am
Could Cllr. Lloyd give more information about the Panacea 'evening community event' to be held in the park; with the support of the Parish Council?
Given that the PC obviously thinks the park should be used for such purposes, why was this wonderful, safe, community space not considered for the Jubilee celebrations? The A34 is not a 'street' and doesn’t really reflect the original concept. Given all the necessary health and safety issues this appears to be yet another poor decision on the part of the PC.

It should also be remembered that just as not everyone in Alderley Edge votes for the Tory party; not everyone is a Royalist. Personally, I support both: the first by default, the second because like many, I am ambivalent but think the present monarch does a very good job.

Lastly and having only quickly picked through the minutes, I am not sure what the payment arrangements are for use of the Festival Hall but don’t most businesses usually need to achieve certain income levels to justify such facilities?
One more last thing: the allotments are being moved then?
Duncan Herald
Tuesday 28th February 2012 at 3:14 pm
Just a quick point regarding the use of the Park...the Park is 100% controlled by Cheshire East...the Parish Council can't give permission for anything in the Park...the improvements in the Park, over the last two years or so, have come about only because the Parish Council nagged at Cheshire East...the Officers of Cheshire East were vey, very helpful in if you do approve of the Park being used for something or you do not approve, yell at Cheshire East please.
Duncan Herald