Parish Council considers purchasing a SID


Alderley Edge Parish Council is considering purchasing a Speed Indicator Device (SID) which can be installed around the village to detect and record the speed of approaching vehicles.

These portable temporary signs cost in the region of £3000 and record average and worst speeds on a particular stretch of road.

Speaking at last night's Parish Council meeting, Cllr Frank Keegan said "I thought these things were pretty awful because they just flash speeds at people who ignore them but they also collect data so you can build up data about hot spots where the traffic goes quickly.

"It seems an opportune moment, we haven't put this in the budget but as a result of Cheshire East Council not wanting to make an extra levy in Macclesfield and Crewe we have managed to get it so they are going to give us a double taxation refund. My gut feeling is this is going to be £5000 to £6000 and a SID costs about £3000."

Cllr Keegan explained if they purchased the device PCSO Jim Newns will be moving the SID around the village and collecting all the data.

Cllr Joseph Bergin said "My only concern is whether a SID is the right device because an average speeding device gives you a lot of data and is effective in lowering speeds."

Cllr Keegan responded "That is a much more expensive option but it might be that if we build up data which says we have a particular problem then we can look at having an average speed camera on particular routes."

Cllr Matthew Lloyd added "I think it is worth getting one but ultimately we want ones that are stationary and act as a deterrent like they have as you go in to Prestbury."

It was agreed that Cllr Keegan would email those members unable to attend the Parish Council meeting on Monday, 13th February, to explain what the options are and ask for a consensus of opinion, with a view to a decision being made at the next meeting of the Finance Committee.

Wilmslow Town Council recently purchased a SID which was located on Dean Row Road this week and will be moved to different locations around the town.

Prestbury Parish Council also invested in a SID this year which is being managed by their local neighbourhood police and shared with neighbouring areas of greater Macclesfield. The SID has been used on a trial basis over recent weeks on Macclesfield Road and Wilmslow Road which are considered problem areas.

Parish Council, Speeding


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Vin Sumner
Tuesday 14th February 2012 at 4:33 pm
how about a dodgy parking scanner :-)
Sarah Lane
Tuesday 14th February 2012 at 5:01 pm
Merrymans Lane seems to have something similiar but it has a happy or sad face depending what speed you are doing. I have seen it positioned outside the old Nursing home on that road and have often wondered if there could not be a better place to position it, its hardly a road where you will find adults and children walking. Don't think I have ever seen it on the approach to the Ryleys/Alderley Edge Primary/Alderley Girls but I might be mistaken as of course I am not driving down that road every day.
Fiona Doorbar
Wednesday 15th February 2012 at 10:23 am
We are all aware of the roads around the village where speeding takes place. I have aired my views on this matter time and time again but nothing gets done.
You can collect all the data in the world but I doubt the council will do nothing further , otherwise they would have done something before now.
Time will tell I suppose.
Marc Asquith
Thursday 16th February 2012 at 5:52 pm
The data is defective anyway - its great evidence to show that there isn't a problem because people tend to slow down for the damn thing - and then it records your speed. I always argued that it should be possilbe to turn off the display and leave it dormantly collecting data.

And - one has been deployed on Ryleys Lane from time to time - but not for the last 5 years as far as i recall.