Travellers move on leaving their litter behind them

A group of travellers set up camp at two different locations close to the A34 bypass recently.

Initially the travellers spent a week camped in the grounds of Wilmslow High School, adjacent to the A34 bypass. Once they were evicted from the High School they moved down the road to a field off the Alderley Edge bypass where they spent 5 or 6 days.

The High School is private land whilst the field next to the bypass belongs to Cheshire East Council so they will clearing up the site and removing all the rubbish today.

Wesley Hutton, Team Leader at Cheshire East Council, was at the site this morning. This is the same field where travellers set up camp in August 2011, after they had moved on a fence and gate were erected to keep people off the land.

He said "There was a padlock on the gate which is not there now. Thankfully it is not has bad as last time, a van load of fly tipped rubbish and two van loads of brash and trees. Last time it took two days as we got 26 tonne of garden waste and 15 tonne of litter."

Click 'next photo' above to see the rubbish left behind.

Cheshire East Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Sarah Lane
Monday 13th May 2013 at 6:19 pm
And this is why people don't want them in their area. They seem to be often on or around the High School grounds. Why can't the council or whoever has the power fine them for their filthy mess they have left. It can't be hard to track them down. How did they get away with staying for a week, leaving all that filth and then move on and stay for another 5 days and STILL the Council sit on their hands and do nothing. Just makes my blood boil to look at the pictures and boil even more at the pathetic way the Council deal with it time and time again.

I now need to calm down. So angry to read this.
Chris Stock
Monday 13th May 2013 at 8:41 pm
As above really...including the REALLY angry bit! Never mind the council, where are the Police?!Surely these 'travellers' (I deleted what I really call them) have broken several laws; trespass, fly-tipping, criminal damage...
At least Team Leader Hutton managed to keep it all in perspective; "It's not as bad as last time" So that's alright then...
Jon Williams
Monday 13th May 2013 at 11:05 pm
Staying on an unauthorised site if it is council-owned land

If you park your vehicle and/or caravan in an unauthorised area that is council-owned land, a representative from the council, such as a council site manager or Gypsy/Traveller liaison officer, will visit the site to talk to you, assess the situation and see whether you'll be able to stay there. If there are free places in the council's official site, they may suggest you move there.

When deciding whether or not to move you on, the council should consider:
how many vehicles you have for the size of the area you're parked on
how long you're planning on staying
any welfare needs you have (for example, whether any one of your household is ill, elderly or pregnant and would be at risk if you had to move on)
road safety (for example, whether your camp is obstructing traffic)
other safety issues (for example, if the site is near a railway line or in a polluted area it won't be safe for you to stay there)
what the land is normally used for and whether it's needed in the near future (for example, it's unlikely you'll be allowed to park on playing fields or land that is being developed)
any potential damage to the land
the effect on the local community.

If you are staying on council-owned land, you should:
look after the land you're camped on
make sure you don't cause any fire risks
dispose of any rubbish responsibly
keep any animals under control
respect the rights and way of life of others in the area.

In some cases, the council may agree on a leaving date with you, and will take eviction action if you don't move by that date.

This is why we need more legal council owned sites in Cheshire East !
Sarah Lane
Tuesday 14th May 2013 at 7:46 am
Can't talk for everyone else but personally I don't want to see any Council owned sites anywhere. Sorry I refuse to use the word 'traveller'

These people are a disgrace and how they live and leave an area just proves it time and time again. Pictures can't lie. Why is it allowed?

Can anyone honestly say they would be happy to have a site next door to their home.
Mike Norbury
Tuesday 14th May 2013 at 12:36 pm
I notice in the pics a new pick up and shiney new caravans , the garden waste is generated by idiotic residents giving them work which gives them a reason to keep returning. tax free and riding rough shod over public land yes jon lets have more sites for them great idea . these are tax avoiding criminals not rosey coloured glass viewed romany/gypsies of yesteryears they are modern day freeloaders I do not want any of my council tax money going on setting up sites for them.
Jill Millen
Tuesday 14th May 2013 at 2:42 pm
It's not just the fly tipping and household waste they leave behind. I used to walk the footpath near to bypass/golf course and when they previously stayed for several weeks they were seen going to toilet in and around the footpaths. The mess and smell lingered for weeks and toilet paper was still seen blowing in bushes months after. I still won't walk around the area with wellingtons on.
I pick up after my dog, but they leave human faeces knowing that it can be trodden on! Disgusting and health hazard to all.
Derek Stevens
Tuesday 14th May 2013 at 4:20 pm
Could a local councillor please comment on this situation.Why are these travellers not prosecuted for
1 fly tipping (as clearly demonstrated in the photos)
2 damage to council property (what happened to the lock and the planted trees etc
3 Infringment of public health and safety regulations (Faeces etc)
The council and police must have their vehicle registrations.
If these people are above the law , will I be allowed to use the 'traveller defence' for any crime against the community that I might commit.
Sarah Lane
Tuesday 14th May 2013 at 8:27 pm
Best not hold our breath for a Councillor to comment. It's far easier to comment about parking or the refusal of a restaurant. This is a hot potato for any powers that be. These people know they get away with it time after time so why should they alter their behaviour. They also know there will always be someone ready to defend them, spouting off they are persecuted and that we should be more thoughtful and respectful to their traditional ways. Oh let's reward their disgusting behaviour and anti social ways by giving them a lovely Council owned site,paid for by the mugs who also have to pay for their filth to be removed. Shall we have a whip round for some nice hanging bakets for their vans. They must be having the biggest laugh.
David Hadfield
Thursday 16th May 2013 at 1:04 am
I agree with Sarah (above) and most of the comments made here.
It's disgusting that we, the ratepayers, have to pay for all this mess to be cleared up.
Mike Norbury
Friday 28th June 2013 at 10:10 am
I see they are back on the high school field again for another round of fly tipping and crapping in the bushes. anyone ever thought of a gate and lock?