Youth band packs the Festival Hall

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On Saturday 26th January the Lions Youth Brass Band lit up the Festival Hall in Alderley Edge with their annual concert. This is only the second time they have performed at this venue, but the main hall was packed - with almost 200 in the audience. Add in 130 performers, together with their musical instruments, and it's easy to see why the hall was so full.

Organised by Wilmslow & District Lions, the first half of the evening's programme was filled by the Beginner and Junior bands. The Beginners started the evening off with impressive energy and style, donning dark glasses in one number and then challenging the audience to join in for their version of 'Old Macdonald had a farm'. Hard to believe that some of the band are only 6 years old. Then the Junior band took over, with the Can Can leading everyone into the interval, when Lions provided tea, coffee and home made cakes.

In the second half the award-winning main band showed off their skills, giving the enthusiastic audience a taste of their new repertoire, which they will be recording on CD in the next few weeks, and taking to the national championships in April.

The whole event was organised by Wilmslow Lions to raise funds primarily for the CLIC Sargent Childrens Charity and the event raised some £900 to fund its work caring for children and young people with cancer.

This is a member post by Geoff Hall.

Festival Hall