Council set to scrap all current management posts

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In the wake of the Lyme Green scandal, all current management posts at Cheshire East Council (CEC) are set to be scrapped and managers will have to apply for newly established posts with revised roles and responsibilities.

Chief Executive Kim Ryley is proposing a "less hierarchical, matrix management system" which will reduce the management tiers and management posts, to cut overheads by 25% over the next three years.

If Mr Ryley's proposed changes are approved by councillors in the next few weeks, the new management structure will be implemented in three phases.

Firstly all senior posts (49 in total) with salaries of £55,000+ a year will be completed by Easter 2013; all posts with salaries of £30,000+ a year will be completed by July and all frontline team leaders and supervisors will be completed by September.

In a letter to staff, Kim Ryley explained "The planned changes to current management roles and responsibilities are based on a new operating model for the Council as a Strategic Commissioning Body.

"This means we will operate very differently in future, on the basis of a 'hard' split between commissioner and provider roles, as well as the regrouping of service functions in ways which will separate some elements of most of our services and remove the current structure of 'People' and 'Places' Directorates."

He added "The changes will make it clearer who has the authority to get things done. They will also devolve decision making and resources to the frontline, so that we can be more flexible and responsive to the needs of our residents and local businesses. This will have the benefit of helping us determine who should be held to account if we fail to meet our agreed improvement targets and outcomes to improve quality of life for local people."

The Chief Executive's review of management roles and responsibilities will be considered by the Cabinet on Monday, 4th February, and then by the Full Council on 21st February.

The report proposes that the two Strategic Directors are replaced by a single Director of Strategic Commissioning for all council services and activities, who will earn in the region of £130,000. They will be supported by a team of commissioning experts and the statutory postholders for Children's and Adults' social care, and for Public Health services. 

Alongside this, a second new senior post of Chief Operating Officer is proposed. They will be responsible for all the 'core' strategic and business support functions of the Council, together with service standards and the performance of all the providers used by the Council.

The COO would also lead a small corporate support team of managers for Finance; Commercial Strategy; Business Innovation and Performance; Organisational Development; and Democratic Services and Governance.

The annual salary of the post of COO will be in the region of £110-120,000, and the Corporate Support Managers will earn between £70,000 and £90,000.

Savings from management reductions are forecast to exceed £5m by 2015/2016, with the bulk of savings being achieved in 2013/2014.

The Chief Executives report 'Becoming a "Strategic Council" – Review of Management Roles and Responsibilities' will be considered at a meeting of the Cabinet on Monday, 4th February, at Westfields, Sandbach.

Image: The Council's new Corporate 'Core' as proposed in Kim Ryley's report.

Cheshire East Council, Kim Ryley


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

John Hannah
Wednesday 30th January 2013 at 5:33 pm
Can somebody explain why the council has such unclear job titles? For instance a Director of Strategic Commissioning? When members of the public want to understand where their money is spent surely straightforward functionally based roles would help us to see who does what.

It's not rocket science is it?
Sarah Lane
Wednesday 30th January 2013 at 6:49 pm
It's like reading a foreign language. I have to re read it all before it makes sense.
Alan R Davies
Thursday 31st January 2013 at 9:03 am
"We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form up into teams, we would be reorganised. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganising; and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralisation." (Attributed to Gaius Petronius, AD 27-66)
Marc Asquith
Thursday 31st January 2013 at 9:55 am
The former structure was created in the year that CEC existed but had not taken responsibility for any functions. ( There was a year overlap between CEC and the old structure of the County Council and Macc Borough Council )

Who was in charge at that time ? Well - as I recall it was Wesley, Brian Sylvester, Roland Domleo and amongst others - Frank.

This is a structure that apparently lead to - or at least contributed to the Lyme Green fiasco - it lasted for all of 8 years or thereabouts.

Now there is a plan to restructure with no guarantee that there will not be compulsory redundancies - at more cost to the tax payer.

You could not make it up.
Giles Watmough
Thursday 31st January 2013 at 10:01 pm
Are they going to get rid of the myriad redundant management posts in social services for example a team that has 2 assistant team managers, a manager, a service manager, a manager with no function at all and a department manager. This team is known as "SMART" any management consultants out there care to comment on the smartness of this management structure costing over 500k a year? John if they made the titles clear people might expect them to deliver something and that would simply never do in Cheshire East Council!
Vin Sumner
Monday 4th February 2013 at 11:31 pm
maybe just close CEC for a year and see what happens