Community Speed Watch schemes up and running


Volunteers have come together to set up a number of Community Speed Watch schemes to help combat speeding in the village.

Initially these schemes will target Macclesfield Road, Ryleys Lane, Brook Lane and Heyes Lane.

PCSO Jim Newns said "Local people informed me about their concerns regarding speeding vehicles in and around the village so we trained up some local volunteers and have started to show some presence on the problematic roads.

"The public feedback has on the whole been positive and letters have been sent to the vehicle keepers address of those breaking the speed limit."

Speed Watch is another way of educating speeding motorists. The roads are also being targeted by the Cheshire Police Eastern Operational Support Unit with trained officers using endorsable speed guns and the speed indication device is being deployed around the village every couple of weeks, to provide the police with useful data and remind people of their speed.

PCSO Newns added "Speeding can kill and endanger lives, please respect others by thinking about your speed when driving."

People in Chorley have also shown an interest in setting up a speed watch scheme due to speeding on Knutsford Road.

Anyone interesed in volunteering please contact PCSO Jim Newns on 07948522130.

Jim Newns, PCSO, Speeding


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Marina McHugh
Tuesday 23rd October 2012 at 5:38 pm
This is fantastic news. Wishing the much needed scheme every success!