app updated for iPad


With nearly 12% of visits to the web site from iPads last month, a number that continues to grow month after month, we felt it was time to provide a more convenient reading experience on this revolutionary device. We are pleased to announce that our app is now fully compatible with the iPad.

Our app on the Apple app store is now a universal app with both the iPhone app and iPad app bundled together into one download. When you run the universal app on a small-screened device, you'll see the iPhone version and when you run the app on your iPad, you'll see the larger, iPad-only version.

If you are one of our many avid users of our app on your iPhone this update also includes a number of minor bug fixes and enhancements and as such we recommend you download the update via the app store on your phone or via iTunes.

Download our app for iPhone AND iPad

IPad, IPhone


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Craig Wilson
Thursday 21st June 2012 at 4:24 pm
Hi, will the app be updated so you can add comments to story's ?
Chris Stock
Thursday 21st June 2012 at 5:28 pm
Martin, still no chance of an Android version?
Beverley Chapman
Thursday 21st June 2012 at 10:40 pm
we need an Android version please
Martin Reeves
Friday 22nd June 2012 at 10:55 am
Adding comments was a feature deliberately not implemented for the phone version but I will look into the complexity of adding that feature in for the iPad.

With regards to Android, there does not appear to be a great many people with Android devices amongst our audience based on the numbers we have available.

You will see in the article above the iPad had reached the stage where it accounted for nearly 12% of visits to the web site, for comparison Android devices only account for 3.2%. All iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch) accounted for 20.4% of visits to the web site. Note that these numbers do not even take into account usage of our well established iOS app!

If I had to make an educated guess I would say Android has a market share of something like 5% of mobile net use around these parts and the dominance of iOS actually appears to be on the increase. The numbers simply do not justify the development of an Android app. The only way and Android app is likely to get developed in the short to medium term is if someone steps forward and offers to sponsor its development.
Chris Stock
Friday 22nd June 2012 at 7:23 pm
I did a quick market-share google before I posted my 'request' - I was seeing figures of 40% upward for Android, admittedly these figures vary and are probably US/Global biased but I felt sure Android users locally could, at least, match the 12%. Given your much more precise figures, I agree that expense/time spent on developing the app across other platforms would be pointless. I suspect the heavily iOS-centric local userbase is about affluence and image. Time to badger some footballers for funds... :+)
Martin Reeves
Friday 22nd June 2012 at 7:51 pm
I would expect that in terms of device market share Android does probably account for a lot more than 12% but a lot of owners of Android phones tend to not make use of their smartphone features to the same degree as owners of Apple devices. Hence there is a big discrepancy between web/app usage market share and device market share.
Elaine Napier
Sunday 24th June 2012 at 12:53 pm
Your sites are excellent and anything which increases access to them must be welcomed by people who care about Alderley, Wilmslow, Knutsford and Prestbury, or the wider picture around Cheshire East.

Thank you for your effort, which I know from Lisa takes many hours every week - I think she said about 80? That's real dedication!!
Graham Hallworth
Tuesday 26th June 2012 at 1:45 pm

Android is not the future its here and now and its open!!!

"Microsoft's Surface plan means the world belongs to Android now!!!

Developers in these markets? They're betting big on Android.

Even in the developed world, demand for Android is outpacing iOS, at least by some measures., for example, reports a 302 per cent increase in job postings for Android developers between 2010 and 2011, versus a 220 per cent jump for iOS developers. Vision Mobile reports that over 75 per cent of those surveyed indicated that they're now supporting Android."
Martin Reeves
Tuesday 26th June 2012 at 2:30 pm
Graham, from a developers perspective Android is a nightmare which is probably what explains the large number of job postings for Android developers because the vast majority of developers would choose to develop for iOS over Android every day of the week. Device fragmentation, different app stores, users slow to upgrade OS software and numerous other reasons make Android a headache to develop for.

Irrespective of my personal opinion, if we see sufficient demand for an Android app for we will make one. But, as outlined in my earlier comments we see little evidence of that from the statistics we track.
Graham Hallworth
Tuesday 26th June 2012 at 2:54 pm
Hahaha, The UK is always light years behind the developing world.
Martin Reeves
Tuesday 26th June 2012 at 3:08 pm
On the contrary Graham. According to Google's very own research earlier this year, smartphone penetration reached 45% in the UK, 38% in the US and France, 23% in Germany and 17% in Japan.
Marc Asquith
Tuesday 26th June 2012 at 4:12 pm
Well - I for one am happy that I can rotate my iPad now and get the landscape layout - that was the one bugbear that really bothered me :D

And I cannot wait for a serious alternative to apple devices - I hate the damn things and the whole apple ethos.