Volunteers hold annual litter pick


The Edge Association held their annual Litter Pick on Saturday, 21st April.

Committee members collected litter from the centre of the village and outlying roads. After spending several hours picking up the rubbish the volunteers enjoyed a well earned pub lunch.

Sarah Shorland said "This annual event hopes to raise more local awareness of the Edge Association and it's role in the community. There was an enthusiastic, positive response from those who encountered the volunteers in their work!

"A considerable amount of rubbish was collected particularly in locations next to building works."

The Edge Association is actively concerned with the preservation of the character of the conservation area and the careful control of all new development. For further information visit the Edge Association website.

Edge Association


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Sarah Lane
Thursday 3rd May 2012 at 7:20 pm
It's a shame no-one has expressed their thanks.

Thank you very much. A good job done by all.