Council struggle with frozen bin lids


Due to the freezing weather over the last couple of days, the Waste and Recycling team at Cheshire East Council (CEC) have had severe difficulties emptying garden waste bins in Alderley Edge this morning.

If your bin should have been emptied today and wasn't then the Council will return tomorrow to try again.

Ray Skipp, Waste and Recycling Manager at CEC, said "Our crews are making every attempt to free and empty containers but in many cases the lid and contents of the container are frozen solid and we are unable to empty it.

"We have asked the crews to persevere and do their very best but inevitably it will mean that some garden waste containers will remain partially or, in the worst cases, totally unemptied today.

"Where possible we have asked residents to leave the container available on the kerbside and we will make every effort to return to it on Saturday (tomorrow). However, we may find that the situation is not much improved tomorrow but we will try nonetheless."

Cheshire East Council, Recycling, Waste Disposal


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Sarah Lane
Friday 3rd February 2012 at 1:21 pm
Is this a very early April fool to test us out. My 8 year old recently told me the bin lid was stuck with the frost but she tried again and with a little bit of effort (remembering she is 8) it opened.!!!!! Easy of you try I guess.
Helen Culwick
Friday 3rd February 2012 at 4:42 pm
Yes Sarah, it beggars belief doesn't it.

How about asking residents to leave the bins out opened rather than shell out overtime to come round again tomorrow (when they might well be iced shut again)
Alex Constable
Friday 3rd February 2012 at 5:17 pm
I think the crews have done a remarkable job this morning. I certainly would not want to be emptying bins on such a cold morning. We can easily make it a lot easier for them in this weather by freeing the lids ourselves. I always find the guys great.
Sarah Lane
Friday 3rd February 2012 at 6:15 pm
I would agree they do a good job most of the time but stories like this do them no favours. We are in the middle of winter and you would expect frost in winter, its nothing new so why is it this year the lids have frozen to the point that men can't open them. Last year we had temperatures of -14 and I can't remember the lids freezing so badly then. All it would take is a little team work if they really are so badly frozen that a man can't open it.

How come the garden waste bins everywhere else were fine, maybe a little frozen but nothing an adult could not manage.
Chris Stock
Friday 3rd February 2012 at 7:10 pm
Have to agree with Alex - They do a great job in all weathers.
I love the fact that the Waste and Recyclng manager is Mr Skipp.
Made my day!
Karen Robinson
Sunday 5th February 2012 at 10:58 am
I think you'd be the first to complain that a corner of your bin had snapped off and you'd cut yourself on it!! Leave the bin men alone! If they spent extra time trying to get them open then they wouldn't finish the round and have to come out again anyway so doesn't make any difference!
Marc Asquith
Sunday 5th February 2012 at 7:34 pm
It's not just the lid - in the green bins the contents themselves freeze and no matter what you do - the damn thing will not empty.
Monday 6th February 2012 at 11:36 am
I agree with Sarah and others, this has JOBSWORTH written all over it. The decision NOT to empty the green bin was taken before crews left the depot, I was told this much when I phoned on Friday. Whilst I don`t condemn the crew I blame the manager who is new and that speaks volumes. For the last 2 years green bin collections were suspended to facilitate
extra dry recycling collections from green boxes, we did not get thst this Xmas. So it boils down to money and ridiculous EU landfill targets (which were drafted with 2 countries in mind Netherlands & Denmark, both small & densely populated). Any landfill just go to prop up rich EU bureaucratic spongers. I visited Luxemburg in August having not been for many years and was honestly shockrd by how much it had changed, only the finest designer shops and classy restaurants everywhere catering to a highend market. And these self serving "wasters" are keen for you to have slop bins next. That will be fun when they freeze. I will hand mine back and install electric waste disposal under the sink.
Marc Asquith
Monday 6th February 2012 at 10:57 pm
Hummm - my green bin was emptied ok - after i gave it a good kicking to free its contents :-)))