Alderley girls enter Dragons Den

Team - Bedbag

Business Studies pupils at Alderley Edge School for Girls pitched to a team of Dragons this week as they participated in their annual Dragons' Den event.

Sixteen teams of Year 9 girls pitched their ideas to local business people to establish which idea and product the Dragons would be most likely to invest in.

Ideas included solar powered road heating to be embedded in tarmac, with the aim of reducing winter car accidents, edible play-dough that could be crafted in to models, baked and then eaten and an umbrella with reflective strips and lights to support children and adults in the dark and wet winter months.

The Dragons' marked the teams on criteria such as their marketing knowledge, financial awareness, product innovation and presentation style.

Team 'Bed Bag UK' were the overall winners, coming first in two of the categories with their fabric bed-head storage system, in which to place common items including books, mobile phones and i-pods.

Lynn Merry, Head of Business Studies at the school expressed her thanks to both the girls for their enthusiasm and the Dragons for taking the time to support the school.

AESG, Alderley Edge School for Girls