Introducing the iPhone app


I'm delighted to introduce our app for iPhone (and iPod Touch). Our app will allow you to access to a whole range of content from whilst on the move, in a format specifically tailored for your iPhone.

So why have we chosen to launch an iPhone app? The answer is quite straightforward. Over the course of the last year we have seen a steady growth in the number of people using their mobile devices to visit

Last month 11% of visits to were on mobile devices and the vast majority were Apple devices. Whilst Apple has done an admirable job in making the majority of the web accessible on their devices through Safari there really is no substitute for a native application specifically design for the screen size and touch interface. 

So what can do you do with this app? You can browse and read the latest news and opinion, check the current weather conditions and forecast, browse all our event listings, access our local directory, and submit your news and photos straight from your phone.

Is the app free? For the foreseeable future the application is free to download and receive content updates. Whilst we remain committed to offering our content for free on the web site, our intention is that at some point in the future we will charge a nominal subscription fee for our mobile app's content.

To download simply search for "" in iTunes or on the app store. Alternatively visit the iTunes preview for our app, where you can view further screen shots, and click on View in iTunes.

We hope you enjoy using our new app and please feel free to contact us with your feedback, comments and suggestions.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Andrew Malloy
Friday 4th February 2011 at 2:48 pm
Any chance of an Android app too? How about Windows Mobile?
Martin Reeves
Friday 4th February 2011 at 3:08 pm
I'm afraid we have no immediate plans to release an Android app or anything specifically for Windows Mobile. We will closely monitor the growth of each of these platforms and if demand increases significantly we may well reconsider in the future.

In January 11.1% of visits to were on mobile devices. If we break that 11.1% down into market share for each of the major mobile platforms we have iOS (Apple devices) with 85%, Android with 9% and Blackberry in third place with 5%. That leaves the remaining 1% shared between the likes of Windows Mobile and Symbian etc.
Andrew Malloy
Friday 4th February 2011 at 3:53 pm
That's really interesting stats actually, thanks. I understood Android devices had begun out selling iPhone devices, that's certainly the case in the US. I know Microsoft is still struggling, even with Windows Phone 7. I use both Android (home) and Windows Mobile (work).
Clare Booth
Friday 4th February 2011 at 5:12 pm
Well Done. Great App and really easy to use.
Kath Foster
Friday 4th February 2011 at 5:20 pm
Great app. Very user friendly!
James MacDonald
Saturday 5th February 2011 at 8:32 am
Andrew is correct, worldwide figures show what Android devices are outselling the iPhone. However, it is clear that both of these devices will be dominant in this market space for the forseeable future, This does pose problems for sites, do they develop an app for one O/S and if so, for which one, or for both?
Martin Reeves
Saturday 5th February 2011 at 11:48 am
James, I agree iPhone and Android are set to dominant in this market space for the forseeable future. The figures charting the rise of Android make this clear, but at this moment in time the install base of iOS devices is considerably larger than Android. You also need to bear in mind any smartphone market share figures also exclude all those iPod touch devices running iOS which sell like hotcakes (and can happily run the likes of our app).

Ultimately we will base our decisions going forward on the numbers. As you can see from my earlier comment the decision to start with an iOS app was a decision that made itself. It is also clear from our current stats that it will be sometime before it makes sense commercially to commit to developing an Android app.

Where I would like us to be 6-12 months down the line is with a standards compliant web site optimised for mobile devices that provides a compelling user experience across all mobile platforms. And then have native applications available for both iOS and Android in order to provide the best experience possible for the majority of users.
Lisa Reeves
Wednesday 9th March 2011 at 8:05 pm
The app store has over 8000 apps in the News Section so we are really chuffed to find that our iPhone app is featured amongst 120 apps in the What's Hot section.

If you have an iPhone (or Ipod Touch) and haven't yet checked out our app please do - it's free!

To download simply search for "" in iTunes or on the app store.