Council to introduce three-bin system


Cheshire East is transforming its bin collection service in a bid to encourage residents to further boost Cheshire East's recycling rate and save money.

Once formally approved, a three-bin system will be introduced with the addition of a Silver bin for mixed dry recyclables and one bin each for garden and residual waste.

It also means that all current schemes will be streamlined to create a single borough-wide service.

Cheshire East achieved a recycling rate in 2009/10 of 49.46% which is the highest in the North West and almost 10% higher than the national average.

Councillor Rod Menlove, Cabinet member with responsibility for environmental services, said: "Thanks to the efforts of our residents we have the best recycling rate in the North West. But as a council we have a leading role and commitment to looking after the environment so we must do more.

"We are now a Recycling service, not a traditional waste collection service. The Silver bin is central to this initiative and with these arrangements we will be able to recycle a huge range of materials. The full list of items will be clearly stated on a sticker on the bin lid.

"The environmental negatives of landfill are clear to us all. What cannot be overlooked is that the cost to the Cheshire East council tax payer for landfill tax this year is £3.5m. Next year, this goes up to £4.2m unless we recycle more.

"We now have a real opportunity to make a collective effort to put the huge range of items that can be recycled in to the Silver bin. Being lazy and throwing these items in to the black bin is being socially irresponsible and is not acceptable to the vast majority of Cheshire East residents."

The transformation will allow householders to put a far greater range of materials in their silver bin than at present, including glass, mixed plastics and film wrap. All residents will be supplied with a full list when the scheme begins.

The bins will be standard 240-litre wheeled containers that will be collected on an alternate weekly schedule. For those properties that cannot accommodate a wheeled container for the Silver or black bin, Council-approved sacks and 55-litre boxes will be provided.

The scheme will operate over a standard five-day week and collections will take place on bank holidays, with the exception of Christmas and New Year.

Phase one will cover the southern part of Cheshire East, beginning in May, and the northern region will start in October.

Cheshire East Council, Recycling, Waste Disposal


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Vikki Malcolm
Tuesday 1st February 2011 at 11:15 pm
About time but I feel the move could have gone further in terms of good recycling. Manchester City Council have a number of different coloured wheelie bins so hardly anything is put in the normal waste - surely that would be the ultimate aim?

Are there fines in place for those who don't recycle?
Ricky Lee
Wednesday 2nd February 2011 at 11:59 am
I guess the tins, cardboard and paper will also go into the Silver Bin or do we continue to use the boxes and bag?

Any idea how about milk and juice tetra pak cartons and plastic shopping bags, would they go into this silver bin?
Lisa Reeves
Thursday 3rd February 2011 at 1:42 pm
I have just received clarification from Cheshire East Council that all of the items you have mentioned above Ricky will be put in the silver bin.

Residents will receive a full list of what they can put in the silver bin when the scheme is rolled out, which is apparently October for Alderley Edge.
Kelvin Briggs
Thursday 3rd February 2011 at 4:12 pm
Good news. I have been amazed how many plastic items, milk containers, bottled water, soup containers etc we use. Had to make trips over to Knutsford to recycle until now, I think. Every cloud has a SILVER lining!

Wonder how this all works with the current alternate week cycle of bottles one week and cardboard /paper the next? Presume this will change.

Where I live you need to get your bottles out by 7AM or you miss the guys. The next week its an early call to get your paper and cardboard out. Some people put their paper out the night before and sadly some of it creates litter down the road as animals or the wind can disturb your pile. Triple bin family here we come!
Thursday 3rd February 2011 at 7:42 pm
Well I for one will be refusing another bin , I refused the green bin as we dont' have the space and I chuck lawn clippings on the flower beds and I would be perfectly happy with another box, this is a ridiculous waste of money, how much do these bins cost and where does the paper and cardboard go? A huge warehouse near Congleton sored in perptuity as the market has crashed for recycling or shipped off to Guangzhao. Yeah really sustainable!
Jon Williams
Thursday 3rd February 2011 at 8:00 pm
Good news, we have been recycling all plastics for a few years as a friend picks ours up when he visits and takes it with his.
Clare Booth
Friday 4th February 2011 at 5:25 pm
A recycling bin at long last !!!!!! I have recycled plastic for years and the amount of just plastic milk cartons in our house creates a lot of rubbish. The introduction of this silver bin will make recycling so much easier and more convenient. I appreciate that its easy for people who have the space for the 3rd bin but at least the council has understood that the extra bin is not for everyone and has considered residents who do not have the space for the silver bin by introducing boxes/sacks as an alternative.
Kirsteen Peel
Friday 4th February 2011 at 5:46 pm
This is excellent news, I have to take plastic bottles, juice cartons etc. to either Handforth Dean or Wilmslow by the Leisure Centre as the Alderley recycling bins do not take these items.
John Moylan
Friday 4th February 2011 at 6:55 pm
I'm getting sick of this. Why can't they just collect the refuse. I hope you all realise that this is all because of EU legislation. If there was any justice in the world, we'd be out of the despicable organisation and making our own arrangements. If we lived in a country that valued free enterprise, we would have a choice about who collects our refuse. But we actually live in a semi-dictatorship where you get what you're given and are supposed to be grateful. I suspect that recycling is a big scam that achieves nothing worthwhile.
James MacDonald
Saturday 5th February 2011 at 9:04 am
If Cheshire East is the best in the North West then overall this is disappointing. I've recently moved back to the North having lived in the borough of Kingston-Upon-Thames. The breadth of items that are collected for recycling there is enormous compared to what is collected here. Similar to Kelvin, we make trips to Knutsford to recycle those items that we previously had collected. The proposed collection service is a step in the right direction. Helping to reduce landfill and attempting to lower costs to local taxpayers is a no brainer. As others have stated, one size never fits all so alternative options like smaller bins and / or more local recycling points, particularly where there are lots of flats are welcome.