Parish gets tough on flyposting

Alderley Edge Parish Council have decided they are going to adopt a strong stance against flyposting and will no longer tolerate illegal advertising in the village.

At Monday's parish council meeting Councillor Matthew Lloyd raised the issue with our PCSO Jim Newns, who has the power, under the Police Reform Act 2002, to issue offenders with fixed penalties of £75.

Councillor Lloyd said "Flyposting is illegal and defaces our village. Whilst the parish council is happy to make accommodations for certain charitable events, unauthorised banners and other advertising on council property will be removed. We have the support of Cheshire East Streetscape team and a PCSO who has the powers to fine flyposters caught in the act."

Councillor Alan Jones added "The whole issue really starts because Cheshire East has a soft policy and won't enforce the law."

The parish council commented that most of the advertising material, placed on buildings and street furniture without the consent of the owner, is done by businesses from outside of the area, however, they feel all non-charitable, illegal advertising should be removed.

PCSO Jim Newns said "I don't want to be getting up people's noses unnecessarily, that is not my approach, but the matter of advertising in the village is an issue which I will be addressing. From now on I will be contacting each business that does so."
