Bypass run and walk raises more than £17,000


As many of you will be aware, the Alderley Edge and Nether Alderley Bypass Run and Walk was a great success on Sunday, with 870 runners finishing the race and 6000 people taking the opportunity to walk the bypass before it opens to traffic on November 19th.

Andrew Henshall, from Alderley Edge Rotary Club, said "I am absolutely delighted with the turnout and so pleased that so many local people took part in what turned out to be a really fun day. The atmosphere was fantastic, virtually without exception everyone seemed to enjoy the walk and there have been nothing but compliments about the way was organised.

"The directors of Birse and officials from Cheshire East seemed delighted with the turnout and on behalf of the local Rotary Club we would just like to thank everyone who came and hope they enjoyed what has turned out to be a great community event.

"There are so many people we would like to thank for their help and we hope they all know who they are. A list of the charities being supported will be published shortly."

The total raised from race entry fees and donations to walk along the new road is now believed to be more than £17000, which will be distributed amongst charities and good causes located in, or supporting residents of, Alderley Edge, Nether Alderley and the surrounding areas. The organisers are planning to distribute this money to the charities shortly at a Rotary Club evening. In addition, thousands of pounds will have been raised by participants who collected sponsorship for their chosen charities.

Emma Simpson from Alderley District Scout Band, who entertained the crowds, said "The band thoroughly enjoyed taking part, even if we were slightly tired at the end of the walk.

"Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves on the walk, the atmosphere was fantastic. It really was a community event that we can all be proud of."

A34 Bypass, Bypass Run and Walk


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Mike Marshall
Wednesday 27th October 2010 at 8:59 pm
What a great spirit and community feel on Sunday. Well organized, well supported and just what the village needs to bring old and new together. We MUST work to make this a big annual event.
Malcolm Fowler
Thursday 28th October 2010 at 2:44 pm
As one of the event organisers, lots of people have contacted me over the past few days asking whether this could become an annual event. I have mixed views which I will attempt to explain and so would be grateful to read the views of others.

Last Sundays event raised £17,000 from race entry fees and donations from those who walked the bypass. In addition it’s estimated that as much again may have been raised by those who walked and obtained individual sponsorship for their own favourite charity. So clearly the event was very popular and raised a huge amount for charity.

This year there was the novelty factor of being allowed to run or walk along a road that was not yet open to traffic. Most of us will have sneaked a look from the Chelford Road and Brook Lane bridges during the past 12 months to see how work was progressing and the opportunity to have a closer nosey at things last Sunday was too good an opportunity to miss! Would an event next year when we have all been driving up and down the road for 12 months be as popular?

Any event next year would be dependent on East Cheshire Council granting permission for the road to be closed one Sunday and the traffic diverted through Alderley Edge.

Astra Zeneca kindly allowed us the use of their car park this year. Inevitably it would have caused them some inconvenience and extra work. Would they be willing to allow the car park to be used again next year?

If it was felt that there was sufficient interest for a similar event to be held again next year I would certainly be willing to be involved again, but I think we need to be certain there would be sufficient interest from the community to make it an annual event.

Anyone got strong views either way?
Mike Marshall
Thursday 28th October 2010 at 6:58 pm
Hi Malcolm..... on responding to your well structured comments, your personal contribution to the success of the event last Sunday should not be underestimated and you deserve the thanks of all the runners.

Now to next year. I have no doubt that the event would be very well supported and over a couple of years, could become as popular as the Wilmslow Half Marathon, on a course that would be much safer for runners. These are the sort of opportunities to bring the community of Alderley Edge, Nether Alderley and Wilmslow together, that should not be missed and I really cannot imagine AstraZeneca being anything but supportive to it's neighbours. I would be happy to support the organizing team this time.
Jenny Morris
Friday 29th October 2010 at 10:09 pm
We loved walking the bypass with our grandchildren last Sunday. There was a lovely atmosphere and it was all so well organised until ...... we reached the Chelford end and we had a 45 minute wait for the bus.

Apparently our driver had decided to take his lunch break in AstraZeneca car park. There must have been at least 100 people waiting for the bus, including people with young babies. what a let down for Bulloughs coaches and the people who had funded the shuttle.

Thanks to all the other organisers who had worked so hard.