Plans to redevelop cemetery lodge refused


Plans to convert the lodge at Alderley Edge Cemetery have been refused.

The proposal was to convert the single dwelling into two homes along with an extension and addition of dormer windows.

The 3-bedroom lodge was to be replaced with a 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom house with two car parking spaces each.

Chorley Parish Council fully supported the development of the Cemetery Lodge stating "A number of our members have actually stated that it will be a vast improvement on the building which is currently in a state of disrepair."

Whilst determining the application Chorley Parish Council they requested that the Planning Officer takes into consideration that "This remains an active cemetery with numerous burials throughout the week and frequent visitors during the week and at weekends so it will be very important that during the works that the developers are kept informed in advance of funerals so they may show respect and keep the access clear for the mourners.

"It will also be important that visitors to the cemetery can gain access too. Chelford Road is a busy road with a great deal of fast moving traffic, any delays in getting access in and out of the Cemetery may lead to road traffic accidents. As a long term consideration when the building becomes two separate dwellings, again, access should be kept clear at all times."

Cheshire East Council refused the application based on the submitted plans stating "Insufficient information has been provided regarding the impact of the development on bats" and "insufficient information has been provided regarding the impact of the development on existing trees."

The plans can be viewed on the Council's planning portal by searching for planning reference 22/3251M.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Helen Williams
Thursday 6th April 2023 at 10:27 am
The owners should not be allowed to let this building fall into disrepair. They should respect this building and the land it sits on
Wayne Ramsdale
Monday 10th April 2023 at 2:25 pm
I’m glad it was refused. I participated in the auction for this after viewing it 3 times. It really is a wreck but I had a vision for it which would have involved me living in it as a single property. The purchaser is from outside of the area and also paid far too much for it; no doubt that’s why they’re trying to subdivide it?

Splitting it in to 2 and extending it was blatant over development. It has very little outside space, certainly that’s accessible by car. The submitted plans stated it would have 4 off road parking spaces but it clearly wasn’t on the land that came with the building. It would have turned the cemetery in to a parking lot.