Estate agent supports The Christie

Christie Bear

Local estate agent, Gascoigne Halman, has nominated to support The Christie charity during 2010. The charity raises money to fund cancer research, high-tech equipment, new developments and extra services for cancer patients at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust. Supporters help Christie experts make a difference to cancer patients, both now and in the future.

Employees of Gascoigne Halman, who are based at 17 offices across Cheshire, south Manchester and the High Peak, will come together during the year to take part in a variety of fundraising events.

Fundraising will commence later this month when Gascoigne Halman boss, John Halman, will be locked up in gaol and tasked with raising £1,000 for The Christie in order to secure his release. Later on in the year the company is planning to take part in The Christie’s Dragon Boat Race and the Walk of Hope in Tatton Park. The team is also planning a company-wide ‘Bakethon’ later in the year when staff will bring cakes to the office to sell to colleagues and clients.

Commenting on the year of fundraising, John Halman of Gascoigne Halman said: “I would say that most people you talk to will have been touched by the distress of cancer. The Christie has a fantastic reputation for treatment and patient care and we are proud to be lending our support.”

Gascoigne Halman has supported a number of charities over the years including Children in Need, The Together Trust and The Children’s Adventure Farm Trust. Their most recent year of fundraising was for The David Lewis Centre when they raised almost £23,000 for the Cheshire-based charity.

Pictured above: Christie Bear & John Halman

Charity, Estate Agents, Gascoigne Halman, Property, The Christie