Drive to clean up village signs

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Alderley Edge Parish Council is calling on residents to contact them and let them know about any signs around the village that are particularly dirty and in need of a clean.

Cllr Craig Browne said "This is really something that Cheshire East Highways should keep on top of, but it is clearly something that is a low priority for them."

Cllr Mike Taylorson has a jet-wash machine which he last used to clean the signs back in 2017 and is looking to repeat the task once more, as we head towards the spring weather.

Cllr Craig Browne added "I have been helping him to identify signs at various locations around the village; but if there are any near you, please let him know by leaving a comment in the box below."



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Rob McGillivray
Monday 21st January 2019 at 2:32 pm
The sign at the top of the hill on Macc road warning drivers of the descent. That looked like it needed a good clean last week as I was passing
Caroline Francis
Monday 21st January 2019 at 5:09 pm
I have already reported our street name sign (Orchard Green) to Cheshire East as it's not clear that it's a dead end/cul-de-sac. It's not exactly dirty but the red and blue symbol which indicates that it's a cul-de-sac has faded so much it's white! Hence we get everyone using the bottom of the street as a turning circle when they realise it's not a thoroughfare! I eventually got a response, (after reporting it twice in 6 months and no acknowledgement) to say it was on a list and not priority.
Stella Mills
Tuesday 22nd January 2019 at 4:17 pm
Re signs needing cleaning.
40Mph outside Abberley Hall and the Warford /Chorley sign on Chelford Road
Bob Bracegirdle
Tuesday 22nd January 2019 at 4:58 pm
Ha ha ha! Some chance. I reported a filthy black keep left sign on Oxford Road Macclesfield last March after it had been black for months. Finally got a response in June that it had been done. It hadn’t so reported it again. Two months later a response that it had been done. It hadn’t. Now recently received another two saying it was being considered. It’s been over a year and it’s invisible at night. A miracle no one has run into it and it’s in front of a school. A phone call got the comment that it was no longer the policy of Cheshire East to keep road signs clean.

I know they’re under financial pressure but no excuse for deception. Nor simple incompetence. Or even, when things are outsourced, the possibilities that work has been paid for and not been done.
Roy West
Sunday 27th January 2019 at 12:18 pm
They should not need reporting as most of the signs are obvious to any person travelling through Alderley. Can anyone recall when they last saw the signs being cleaned?
Charlie Gaughan
Tuesday 29th January 2019 at 8:31 pm
Mike and counciler craig Would people be allowed to volunteer. To help clean there signs I supose gloves bucket warm water cloths to clean them