Latest property sold price data now available

We have just updated the property prices section with the latest data from the Land Registry. That brings the total number of sales reported for this year to 71 with a total transaction value of £26,053,149. Its looking likely that 2009 will surpass the 75 sales made in 2008 but fall significantly short of 2008's total transaction value of £41,916,950. Both 2008 and 2009 were significantly down on previous years by every metric. Our sold prices by date table in the property section provides further insight.

The chart above illustrates number of sales by month for the most recent 12 months that we have data for. Bear in mind that the time it takes for sales to be added to the Land Registry can vary and as such we may see the September and October numbers adjusted upwards in a future update.

Property, Property Market, Property Prices