Remember ... Be polite this Halloween


With Halloween fast approaching, police officers have been handing out 'no trick or treaters' posters to the local community and shops have also been provided with posters to prevent flour and eggs being sold during this period.

These posters are designed to be placed in your window to make children and adults aware, that they are either welcome to trick or treat at your address, or not to trick or treat.

PCSO Sarah Stanley said "If you click on this link it will bring up a poster that you can print off and place in your door/front window for children to see. On one side it has a tick so it shows children that you are happy for them to knock at your address to receive trick or treats. On the other side it says no trick or treating, thank you.

"These enable the children to know if they are welcome or not at your address. Children at some of the local schools in Wilmslow and Alderley Edge have been given a personal safety talk around Halloween and they will know to look out for these signs."

PCSO Stanley added "It also allows you to minimise visitors to your door if you are not wanting children to attend. Especially if you are unable to keep coming to the door every time someone knocks or rings."



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Michael Orange
Saturday 29th October 2016 at 11:08 pm
Oh for the days before the import of this awful, mean minded American import. We used to have Guy Fawkes night and 'a penny for the guy' but this is undermined by the ghoulish indoctrination. It is Unchristian and has no place in our culture. Far better to attend a service for All Souls Day and remember family and friends who have passed on.
Harry Martin
Tuesday 1st November 2016 at 4:51 pm
Did parents know where their children actually were ?
Try Sainbury's in Wilmslow where a large gang were hovering round for a considerable time plaguing staff and customers .
I imagine that some of their treats came c/o Sainsbury's who could not be watching everybody who was just casually shopping .