Fancy trying an alternative Christmas dinner?


Every year we try to cook the perfect Christmas dinner, many like us stick with a traditional turkey meal whilst others look for an alternative. 

Chris Holland, Head Chef at the Alderley Edge Hotel, has kindly created three Christmas orientated dishes especially for, which are perfect for those wanting a change. 

To begin with Chris has prepared a delicious fresh tasting starter of cured salmon. This dish is a great place to start a meal as it’s light and refreshing.

To follow we have a roasted pheasant dish which can be found locally and cooked correctly is amazing, and to finish off there is a Steamed Sponge Christmas Pudding. Chris stumbled upon this dish by mistake which turned out to be a lighter version of the traditional Christmas Pudding.

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Alderley Edge Hotel, Chris Holland, Christmas, Christmas Dinner, The Alderley Restaurant