Police Update - Keep the Grinch away this Christmas!


As we all will have noticed, the evenings are becoming increasingly darker and Christmas, a time for giving, is just around the corner, unfortunately the two combined can make our homes that little bit more vulnerable.

This is why I am taking the time to ask everyone to be extra vigilant over the festive period. Burglars know full well that for many the Christmas shopping has begun and many houses will be stocked with expensive items.

The following advice may sound obvious but it could save you from an expensive and disappointing Christmas. Similar to your vehicles, do not leave your items in sight, if it can be seen it makes it that bit more tempting to a burglar. Invest in a light timer and use it! If there is a light on, a burglar might stop and think 'is it worth the risk’, a dark and silent house would be the much more attractive option.

Lock ALL windows and doors, simple, I know but 1 in 3 burglaries in the area are carried out through an unlocked door or open window. Often burglars are opportunists so let’s make it as hard for them as we can by staying alert and make sure that the only person sneaking in this year is Father Christmas.

If you think you may have seen something or someone suspicious contact Cheshire Police on 0845 458 0000.

Burglaries, Crime