Policing Update - Not in My Neighbourhood Week

Residents across Cheshire East have taken to the streets for a week of action to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour with a particular focus around Halloween and bonfire night.

Thousands of people up and down the country joined forces with crime-fighting professionals for a week of community action. The seven Local Area Partnerships across Cheshire East worked with the Safer Cheshire East Partnership on events between 30th October and 8th November 2009 as part of "Not in My Neighbourhood Week", which aims to promote what is being done locally to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour and encourages the police, public services and communities to work together to keep our streets safe.

Residents organisations, Cheshire Police neighbourhood policing teams, Cheshire East Council, Town and Parish Councils, Cheshire Fire and Rescue, Community Wardens, Social Landlords, Connexions, Primary Care Trust, Citizen's Advice Bureau, Trading Standards, Groundwork Cheshire, Poynton Connect, anti-social behaviour teams, drug and alcohol action teams led the efforts to inform local people of what is being done in their area.

Portfolio Holder for Safer and Stronger Communities, Brian Silvester said: "With a co-ordinated approach we can truly tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. 'Not in My Neighbourhood' Week is a great way to achieve our aims."

Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime