Reader's Letter: Pavement parking on Davey Lane

Thought you may be interested in the problems we are having on Davey Lane every single day with inconsiderate and illegal pavement parking.

As you know this road is the main route to and from our local school for children and parents from the estate with pushchairs and prams, and is also the main route to the village for the many elderly people who live there too.

This selfish and thoughtless parking is forcing all these people to walk onto the road which can be extremely dangerous and I am most concerned that it will be the cause of a very serious accident if something is not done about it soon.

I have attached a picture taken today as an example and thought that if this situation could be brought to the attention of the many followers of your extremely popular website, perhaps this will make a difference.

Davey Lane


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Robin Marshall
Tuesday 12th January 2016 at 3:49 pm
How pleased I was to see the photo of the car parked in such an inconsiderate position. As local pensioners we regularly have to walk on the road to pass these cars as we walk to the village. When we have our grandchildren with us it becomes even more hazardous!
Caroline Francis
Tuesday 12th January 2016 at 6:01 pm
I was interested to see this image and also your article. I have raised a similar issue with the Parish Council already with regards to illegal and hazardous parking on Mottram Road (opposite rear of cricket club). The line of traffic parked on the kerb as the same in your image is sadly growing day by day. As someone that works and lives in the village (walks to work), I regularly find myself walking on the road due to cars blocking the pavement. Traffic from the other end of Mottram Road (coming from The Hough direction) often speed near the junction with Moss Lane which doesn't help if you are walking on the road. How the elderly and people with push chairs that need access to the village manage, I will never know!

I fully appreciate that the Parish Council are working with villagers to come to a solution and I am sure with the right positive and constructive feedback, I hope that this can be resolved for the long term aim for all residents in all areas of our lovely village, Alderley Edge!
Michael Hargreaves
Wednesday 13th January 2016 at 2:18 pm
Similar problem at the Heyes Lane end of Davey Lane (see second photo above). Cars parking on the pavement, ignoring the double yellow lines, just before the road narrows to the length without a pavement, hence pedestrians have to step out to meet the oncoming traffic. This really needs the attention of both the wardens and the police.
Fenton Simpson
Wednesday 13th January 2016 at 5:34 pm
This is not uncommon on Davy lane. Especially when some of the residents have parties, their guests park on the road mostly not pavement.
Vin Sumner
Wednesday 13th January 2016 at 10:58 pm
similar problems at many points on Heyes lane and on Moss Road corner, and of course taxis on London Road
Vin Sumner
Sunday 17th January 2016 at 10:32 pm
see third photo from Sunday morning on Heyes Lane ; blocking pavement , on yellow lines , on bad bend , facing against traffic, close too junction ; very considerate parking !!!
DELETED ACCOUNT False Name (Louise Gray)
Monday 18th January 2016 at 8:10 am
Yes Vin I have to run the gauntlet of a few there in the week when I drive to Macclesfield. That (bad ) parking is directly related to those lovely old tall Victorian houses near Granthams. I passed that car yesterday with the dog and pushchair and it was parked outside the one house which has the drive and off road parking. I think the car belongs to Mr or Ms "Important" ;)