The Dogfather: Why Donald Trump is no match for any dog

WR2009 007

I have a little exercise for you this week. I want you to observe the behaviour of dogs belonging to homeless people. The assortment of terriers, spaniels and mongrels you see sheltering in doorways with their owners every day of the week.
Watch closely as the homeless pack up their meagre possessions and move on. Look how the dogs walk in relationship to their owners. If you see an unruly dog bolting from or jumping all over a homeless person let me know.

I've been observing the dispossessed and their canine companions for over twenty-years and I have yet to see one badly behaved dog. I once spotted a homeless man sleeping on the cobbles at Covent Garden in central London with his two dogs snoozing by his side.

When he awoke he bundled up all his belongings and set off towards Marble Arch with his dogs trotting at his side as if they were on a country lane.

He actually walked two dogs through the busiest streets in the capital without leads. They were sufficiently in sync that no one even noticed.

Right... now access the Internet and search for some genuine video footage of George Bush and Bill Clinton with their dogs. Try and imagine them walking their canine pals across central London off lead. Their dogs would be cantering around Hyde Park before the steps came down on Air Force One.

So... how come a homeless person can stroll through Covent Garden in rush hour with his dogs trotting by his side while two of the most powerful people on the planet could not?

George and Bill won't like the answer but here it is: No pack animal will follow an unbalanced leader. ONLY humans do that.

Never confuse shouting, anger and bluff for leadership. You won't fool any dog with that. Calm, assertive energy are the only leadership qualities dogs recognise. Any irrational inconsistency or attempts to deceive and your leadership credentials revert to zero.

Presidents Bush and Clinton may have fooled the world but not their dogs.

If you want to learn how to be your dog's natural Leader join one of my classes by visiting my website or text me on on: 075-905-60012.

Photo: "K9 security to White House. Donald is on the way... that's Trump not Duck, over."

The Dogfather, Vic Barlow