Have your say on the Parish Plan


The Alderley Edge Parish Plan Committee are inviting residents and workers of the parish to attend an open event on Wednesday 21st October, where they can view and discuss the draft Parish Plan.

Towards the end of 2007 approximately 2600 printed questionnaires were delivered to homes and businesses within the parish and a total of 817 were returned completed.

The opinions and attitudes of village residents and workers were then analysed by Alderley Marketing who produced a final report in February 2008.

Following a meeting last summer 30 local volunteers were recruited in to working groups and as a result of the completed questionnaires specific issues were identified, including: the environment, road use, public transport, local facilities, youth facilities, security, services and amenities.

Each working group has spent the past 15 months working through the issues raised within their particular area and sourcing solutions. At the event local people can view a draft version of the Alderley Edge Parish Plan and meet the working groups to discuss the issues raised and proposed solutions. 

Nicholas Ridings, chairman of the Parish Plan steering group said "the easy work has been done but now we have the difficult task of implementing the solutions and we need people to get involved".

Nicholas continued "We aim to publish the final document in the next 6-8 weeks which will be owned by the Parish Council but they will not get involved in everything. Some action points will require local government's involvement and outside funding but other elements will require people in the community to get together and make happen". 

Parish Plans were announced in the 2000 "Rural White Paper" which set out the government's plans for the countryside. The purpose of parish plans is to "set out a vision of what is important, how new development can best be fitted in, the design and quality standards it should meet, how to preserve valued local features and to map out the facilities which the community needs to safeguard for the future"

An interactive session will be held at the Festival Hall next Wednesday where local residents and workers can drop in between 2.00pm to 4.30pm. Then in the evening a more formal meeting will be held at 7.30pm with a presentation of the proposed plan followed by questions.

If you didn't receive your invite in the post it can be downloaded here.

Photo taken by inf0mike on flickr. Some right reserved.

Parish Plan


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Marc Asquith
Tuesday 13th October 2009 at 9:38 am
The Alderley Edge Parish Plan committee was formed in association with the Parish Council to try to express the local resident's desires for the development (or otherwise) of the village. Parish Plans are being promoted by central government to try to get some reflection in Council decisions of the views of local residents. If done properly the Parish Plan can have a real effect on the future of the village. For instance in planning applications, a coherent Parish Plan is one of the considerations that Cheshire East have to take into account when making decisions. The plan can address and have an effect on the future highways plans for the village in the light of my (opps, the) bypass. This includes traffic calming in the village. Traffic routing - how do we make through traffic use the bypass and not the Chelford Road / Ryleys Lane? And Parking in the Village. Other schemes to try to enhance the village include the Cafe in the Park, promoted by the Fiends of Alderley Edge Park. This is your chance to have a real say in the future of Alderley Edge. Even if you can only drop in for 10 minutes it will really be worth it. If the plan has the input of the majority of residents then it will really carry weight and have a beneficial effect on the village for the future. See you there.
Susan Holland
Tuesday 13th October 2009 at 10:35 am
(All very informative and stole my thunder as usual). No wonder the bobby dazzlers put Mr. Asquith in the cells for a day; he really is unable to express himself very well and we, The Friends(fiends) of Alderley Edge Park, are not trying to 'cause mischief and annoyance' by proposing the opening of a cafe in the park. Unlike some people, we do not have a hidden agenda in publicising comment and opinion! We genuinely want to enhance peoples' pleasure and enjoyment of Alderley Edge. Please come and meet us on the 21st - we would very much welcome the opportunity to discuss our proposals with you all.

Addendum (and 'information is power'): Marc Asquith is my partner of some 18 years (18 years, 3 months and 21 days and 12 hours; you see, utterly memorable, as always). Not yet having discussed the detail of last night's comment with him, I am uncertain whether or not his spelling was a genuine mistake or not. Reflecting on my response above and given my commitment to the cafe, park and Parish Plan, I hope it was another, impetuous, mistake...
Marc Asquith
Thursday 15th October 2009 at 9:58 pm
18 years, 3 months, 21 days, 12 hours, 9 minutes, 32 - no 34 seconds.

I did ask the bobbies to keep me in but they insisted on making me go home.

18 years - it only feels like eternity :-}}