Women's Group donates toys to children's charity


The Alderley Edge Women's Group (AEWG) had a most enjoyable afternoon on Wednesday, 13th May, hearing about the Children's Adventure Farm Trust.

The Women's Group welcomed Mr and Mrs Simister from the Millington based charity, which provides a variety of programmes for terminally ill, disabled and disadvantaged children, to accept the toys they had been collecting.

Margaret Potts explained "We were inspired after listening to a previous talk from Mr and Mrs Simister from The Children's Adventure Farm Trust. So much so that we decided to gather together and see how we might be able to help.

"Each child who stays at The Children's Adventure Farm is greeted by a new soft toy on their bed which is theirs to keep and take home at the end of their stay. We found this so touching that we felt donating soft toys would be a wonderful way to help those children and support the trust. And so we set about collecting as many soft toys as we could."

The AEWG is an independent group which was set up almost 15 years ago and currently boasts about 20 members, however they would very much like to grow this number. They meet at 2pm on the second Wednesday of each month at Alderley Edge Methodist Church for a social get together and would welcome anyone interested in joining them.

Margaret said "Each week we host a speaker from a variety different causes and interests to present to our members. It is not always charity work, for example next month we are very much looking forward to a flower arranging talk. This will be held on the 10th June and if any of your readers are interested we would gladly welcome them to join us."

Anybody interested in joining the Alderley Edge Women's Group, or finding out more, is welcome to just turn up and join in the activities.

Photo: Mr and Mrs Simister with the soft toys donated by the AEWG for the children coming to the farm for a weeks holiday.

Alderley Edge Women's Group