Parish Council Election: Candidate Melanie Connor


In the run up to the General, Borough and Parish Council elections on May 7th we will be publishing brief interviews with each of the candidates that respond to our request (before the end of the month).

To read the interviews with other candidates click on the tags at the bottom of the article. For example, pieces on the other candidates for the Alderley Edge Parish Council election will all be tagged 'Alderley Edge Parish Council'. Candidates representing the same party or group will also be connected via the tags.

Melanie Connor is a Conservative candidate for Alderley Edge Parish Council.

Melanie moved with her family to Alderley Edge in 1976 and although she has lived in other places she came back in 1996 and has lived in the village ever since.

She is currently a parish councillor and works for the charity Sue Ryder - running their shop in Sandbach. Speaking about her work, Melanie said "Sue Ryder provide fantastic palliative care as well as neurological nursing. I love my job, the feedback I get from customers, working with fantastic volunteers and knowing that what I do is worthwhile. Outside of work I love gardening, cooking and spending time with family and friends ( often in the village!)."

in response to my question about why she is standing for the Parish Council, Melanie told me "I have been part of a council that has started some fantastic work for the village such as the delivery of the Medical Centre which will protect medical services.

"I am involved with the cemetery work and am part of a group that are making a memorial garden in a neglected area. I support village retail and businesses, I understand the issues they have with parking and loss of trade and am working on ways to improve it. I believe in local shopping and local products where possible."

She added "I worked to get the Cenotaph cleaned and repaired, I want to continue the floral and other containers and permanent fixtures for the village, increasing the numbers and introducing growing herbs and edibles. I also support and fight for funding and the road closure for the Christmas event and the subsequent lights."

Speaking about the important issues that face Alderley Edge and the reason why she wants to be voted for on May 7th, Melanie said "We are in great need for parking. Whether it is for all day or 3 hours isn't the main issue, it's having the spaces to do the right mix.

"I support the change of the Heyes Lane allotment site to a car park. It's not a decision I came about easily, but the needs of the village, making residents lives easier and saving business is a priority that I do not want lost. Residential areas are becoming dangerous because of parking and it needs to be addressed.

"The reason I openly back the use of Heyes Lane is that we are opening a new allotment, one that will be well run, be a multi-site use ( some half beds, raised beds etc.).This will give us more spaces than anywhere else in Cheshire. I back the allotments and believe that we have some great ones in Alderley.

"If voted on I want to carry on with improvements of flowers and planting in the village, run a get the village tidy campaign and see the Medical Centre built and running. Further, I want to support the village shops and businesses with their ideas for fun and improvements to our fantastic retail days. Other projects are on the go, such as then park and the cemetery and I would like to be able to bring ideas to fruition."

Melanie added "I am standing as a Conservative - yes, because I believe in their values. I also believe that it is honest to state this and not hide behind a title.

"On the Parish Council we're not a political council, we vote on what we believe is best for the village not for the party. Further, I have no hidden agenda - I am standing with no business or interest other than my love of the village and all that it offers.

"I'll continue to work hard on your behalf and strive to keep the village vibrant."

Alderley Edge Parish Council Election, Conservative Party, Elections 2015, Melanie Connor


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

David Hadfield
Monday 20th April 2015 at 10:59 pm
Another great candidate who can clearly see the benefit of having the Heyes Lane Car Park and moving the existing Allotments, thus improving the congested parking facilities in the village AND benefitting the Allotment Holders so they may have larger and more Allotment plots.
Jaki Pariser
Thursday 23rd April 2015 at 7:20 am
Thank - you Melanie. Your work on our behalf is appreciated.
Your stance on the allotment / car park issues seems very reasonable.
Change is never easy but is sometimes very necessary. I wish you every success.
Duncan Herald
Thursday 23rd April 2015 at 8:29 am
Not only do you hold down a taxing job in the charity field, you also work tirelessly for the village. Good on you Mel.
Martin Dixon
Sunday 10th May 2015 at 9:09 pm
Melanie Connor

I would like to congratulate you one being the Conservative candidate with the highest votes. It may not feel like it, but it is a great achievement. I have not seen a comment from you congratulating the candidates from AE1. What I have seen are your posts on Facebook.

My very favourite comment on there is "Puts everything that has been worked for at a risk. Most have never been to a meeting and haven't a clue. But not my problem . I'll be watching ( & having a sly giggle)" or this one "Think I'll take a week or 2 and then -bang!"

You seem to come over as being a bit angry and resentful. Can I point something out to you please. You lost, the people of AE decided that they wanted a change. They decided that there was a better group of people that can work positively for their village. I think we all know that this election was all about removing Frank Keegan. You were also removed because you did nothing to put him in a box. You did nothing to stop him controlling the PC. You did not stand up against him to prevent him from stop him bringing Conservatives into disrepute.

It is you, Melanie, that have brought this thing upon yourself. You have let people who elected you down. You could have done far better. The people of AE voted for AE1, not you, Why should they? I can see what might be in it for you, but there is nothing in it for them.
David Hadfield
Sunday 10th May 2015 at 9:32 pm
Martin Dixon,
Will you just lay off and stop being sarcastic and disgustingly rude to everyone.
I can take anything you say as I've got a thick skin, but maybe others can't or don't want to respond to your idiotic comments.
As I've told you before, you are nothing more than a stirrer that enjoys causing trouble.
You obviously have some sort of mental problem ....... just COOL IT and get lost !
Martin Dixon
Sunday 10th May 2015 at 9:53 pm
David Hadfield

I do find that your intellectual argument is a bit lacking. Is there any chance you could come up with something a little better?
Claire MacLeod
Sunday 10th May 2015 at 10:06 pm
Hello David Hadfield

I know you must be apoplectic with rage that all your assertions that the petition results and the Parish Pledge response were, evidently, meaningless. Clearly the results of the elections were not just positive but unambiguous. The village has spoken and all your claims that I and all the other supporters of Alderley Edge First were nothing more than 'pathetic' were illogical, at best.

Martin Dixon has played (whether you like it or not) a significant role in securing AlderleyEdgeFIRST's victory. This is because all of his posts have been factually correct, astute and eloquent. The fact that you disagreed with the content of his assertions has now been proven irrelevant, as AlderleyEdgeFIRST took a clean sweep.

Melanie Connor's comments on facebook, as quoted above (and easy to source for anyone who wants confirmation) just illustrate exactly why is it that this village chose to annihilate the Conservative representation from their Parish Council. They (the comments) show that not only is Melanie a sore loser (who was willing to stand as councillor even though her 'heart wasn't in it') but also, most significantly, not able to take a valuable lesson to learn from the result. Having the humility to accept lessons from mistakes made is a very valuable life lesson. I suggest both you and Melanie consider this.

And then you, too, could perhaps 'COOL IT and get lost'.
Fiona Braybrooke
Sunday 10th May 2015 at 10:32 pm

You have a very thick and wonderfully tanned skin. It is great that you feel that you are a knight in shining armour but, as a woman, I think that Melanie is more than capable of speaking for herself.
Fiona Braybrooke
Sunday 10th May 2015 at 10:32 pm
hi David
wow that was a bit of a rant.
Alan Brough
Monday 11th May 2015 at 9:01 pm

Kali nichta!

Its absolutely no use criticising Martins judgement or sanity. He has been an outstanding advocate for truth. A truth that has been resoundingly recognised by the good people of Alderley Edge.

Truth, (unlike a fake tan) is .lasting and sincere.

I saw Melanie's comments on both her FB page and on the AE Conservative FB page in response to a comment made by Martin Hallam ( which now looks even more ill- thought- through than it did then) and it is clear that she just doesn't get it.

She has no doubt done good work for the village, but she should reflect that Alderley Edge needs change, and she can either continue to be part of the problem, or become a part of the solution. I feel sure that AEFIrst will welcome support from any former Councillors because it' s not about Party Politics, its about making the Village a better place.
Martin Dixon
Monday 11th May 2015 at 10:55 pm
Claire, Alan

I thank you both for your very kind and eloquent words. They seem far more rounded and thoughtful than Melanie Connor's on Twitter tonight.
"you get what you vote for so what a shower. Ha Ha"
"Had to go to a v imp meeting tonight so missed the Annual Parish Meeting but understand from other media new council shows themselves up"
I have been so impressed this week by how the heads of political parties have conducted themselves, even standing shoulder to shoulder to honour VE day. So when I see Melanie acting like a stroppy child having a tantrum it makes me realise that she has just missed the point about what serving the people is really all about. Melanie, can you just accept that you got it wrong and the people you represent voted against you. Ae1 did not win this election, you lost it because you refused to accept that 1850 people who signed a petition had any credibility. Did it not occur to one of you on the PC that you might have misjudged the feeling in the village.

There is no doubt that you have done some great work for the village and that you have been recognised for that. So why would you think it is a good idea to wipe out your reputation in a few Facebook and Twitter posts.

I think that lack of wisdom and accountability is exactly the reason you were voted out.
Claire MacLeod
Tuesday 12th May 2015 at 12:48 pm
Hi Melanie

Just one other quite important point. It's a bit risky making observations based on hearsay about a meeting that you didn't attend. I wonder if your informant also shared with you that one of the incoming Parish Councillors stood up and made a heartfelt speech commending the outgoing Parish Council for all the hard work and dedication they had given to the village and thanking them, on behalf of the village, for all their efforts? This was followed by a resounding round of applause, that everyone contributed to. I believe your outgoing Chairman (Mike Williamson) thanked Mike Dudley-Jones for his kind words (privately after the meeting) and told him they were much appreciated. Mr Williamson's response is far more in keeping with the kind of behaviour I think we would wish for and expect from our local politicians - regardless of whether they are coming, or going. He has shown dignity and grace in defeat, and I take my hat off to him for that.

Any chance you could take a leaf out of his book, please? Perhaps it is now time to stop 'having a go' at the victors and think about what you can do to support their efforts to make this village better. The election is over. The results speak for themselves. Now time to look to the future...