Parish Council meetings to be videoed


Alderley Edge Parish Council has agreed to spend approximately £500 to enable them to video record their monthly meetings.

Cllr Frank Keegan made the suggestion to purchase the equipment at last month's Parish Council meeting.

Speaking at their meeting on Monday, 9th February, Cllr Duncan Herald explained "There could be some videoing of the meetings by some members of the public, which of course they are perfectly entitled to do, and it was decided therefore that we should keep a similar record."

Cllr Sue Joseph commented that the decision was "in the interest of being open and clear."

John Tomlinson, a member of the public who was sitting in the audience, described the decision as "a waste of public money".

Local Government Secretary, Eric Pickles, signed a Parliamentary order in August 2014 allowing press and public to film, tweet and blog from all public meetings of local government bodies.

What do you think about Alderley Edge Parish Council spending approximately £500 so they can record their monthly meetings? Would you be interested in watching the recordings if they made them available each month?

Share your views via the comment box below.

Alderley Edge Parish Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Fenton Simpson
Tuesday 10th February 2015 at 9:58 pm
As I raised this issue at the January PC meeting I'm pleased that the PC has embraced this concept.

I do have concerns on the cost proposed, as John mentioned.

The camera that was present by the PC was placed on a low table which only saw Matthew lloyds back, the positioning was pointed out in the meeting by a councillor but no amendment was made. So only sound was really recorded.

I'd like to know if this is being uploaded on to the PC website?
Ruth Norbury
Tuesday 10th February 2015 at 10:44 pm
I hope the video recording, although being on somebody's back, will corroborate the following:

Councillor Keegan, having arrived to the meeting late, confirmed to the Chair that he DID have a 'PDI' (Personal Declaration of Interest?) relating to the Festival Hall contract being awarded to PE Jones.

"But I won't be leaving the room" [during the discussion of that topic]

Why on earth not?
Stuart Redgard
Wednesday 11th February 2015 at 12:26 am
Ruth: My understanding is as follows:

1) If a member does disclose a PDI at the allotted point of the agenda then this dose not exclude them from the debate but MAY exclude them from voting on the proposal.

2) If a member of the council is not in attendance from the start of the meeting to declare a PDI at the allotted point of the agenda then this MAY be a reason for excluding them from the debate and voting on the proposal if they then declares it later, but before the debate starts.

I could be wrong, and will try and get clarification and update you ASAP.
Richard Bullock
Wednesday 11th February 2015 at 1:00 pm
Reasonable quality video recording equipment can be fairly inexpensive these days. A good quality webcam could probably suffice. You can get webcams able to record in full-HD. It could also mean that the meetings can be live-streamed over YouTube too if set up right.
Fenton Simpson
Wednesday 11th February 2015 at 5:37 pm
An excellent suggestion by Richard. 2 or 3 web cams would be needed to capture the PC and public attendees. So that a balanced view of the meeting is captured.
I doubt this would cost much, I suppose a lap top in the room would be needed. I'm not sure if the clerk has one or a desk top unit. A low spec lap top would be cheap.

All in Id say well below £500