Walking on the edge


Roger Norton, a local footpaths inspector for East Cheshire Ramblers and a voluntary warden with the National Trust’s (NT) Alderley Edge estate, has kindly volunteered to supply us with a series of local walks.


The first which is a short circular walk around The Edge that takes in ancient and mystical places of interest. For those wanting a slightly longer excursion, there is an optional extension to the adjoining NT gardens at Hare Hill.

Alderley Edge and district is blessed with an extensive network of public footpaths offering gentle ambles through attractive, open countryside and more elevated sections affording panoramic views of the Cheshire plain.

Very often we take little time to visit what's on our doorstep so we hope some of you will enjoy exploring our village on The Wizard Walk.

Click here for the full details of the walk. Below those details you can also download a file including the full guide and map suitable for printing which you can then take with you.

National Trust, Walks